The top 5 most anticipated gadgets

             The top 5 most anticipated gadgets of 2012


Apple's sixth generation iPhone 5 (or whatever Apple ends up calling it) is nothing but an assumption right now but if release schedules hold to pattern, we should see it by the fall of 2012. Rumors and feature wish-lists include a 4-inch screen, faster Apple A5X chipset, real 4G LTE networking, and, of course, thinner and lighter. Storage, pricing, and availability are all uncertain right now,bt i'll let you know the moment i do!



The new iPad, the iPad 3, the new iPad 3… call it what you want, but it's a device that from the outside looks remarkably like the iPad 2 but with an overhaul on the innards.
what's different from the old one?
Well, in this case it's pretty easy: there's a Retina Display that makes everything looks superbly crisp, an updated A5X processor bringing quad-core graphics and a 5MP camera on the rear with a VGA sensor on the front.

Samsung Galaxy SIII


The Samsung Galaxy S3 is, according to Samsung anyway, 'inspired by nature – it sees, listens, responds, and allows you to share the greatest moments'.

While this is all a little hyperbolic, the nature theme is certainly present when you handle the phone for the first time.

Brushed polycarbonate – you've got a choice of 'Marble White' and 'Pebble Blue' – adorns the large device, which runs in with dimensions of 136.6 x 70.6 x 8.6mm, despite still having to pack in a 4.8-inch Super AMOLED HD screen.
But we'll be very clear on this - the Galaxy S3 is not a cheap-feeling phone. It's got a really solid Gorilla Glass 2 front, a well-packaged interior and a more robust battery cover. It's polycarbonate rather than bog-standard plastic, although we're not sure some people will like the more rounded nature of the design..

Quad-Core Mobile Phones/Tablets

With Nvidia introducing their Tegra 3 quad-core processor, gone are the days where desktops and high-end laptops were the only ones to get the quad-core treatment. ASUS immediately jumped on the gun with their Transformer Prime (despite being sued for the name) and placed the Tegra 3 chipset to power this device. This proved to be a great choice as the Transformer Prime was indeed a very fast tablet and this sets the precedence for more quad-core devices to come out of the market, hopefully in 2012. So yeah, mobile computing will really be a notch higher with these kinds of devices coming.

Nintendo Wii U

The Nintendo Wii U is the first next-gen games console to break cover and will be the first to go on sale when it hits the shelves in time for Christmas later this year.
When the Wii first emerged, it too represented a new breed of games console. But ultimately a combination of dated hardware, lack of third-party games and a failure to engage the traditional gaming market led to Wii sales dropping through the floor. Wiis now collect dust in dark cupboards the world over, and Nintendo just posted its first ever financial loss in 30 years.
Nintendo needs the Wii U to be a big hit to get the cash rolling in again.


The Biggest Tech Addictions Ever

                        The Biggest Tech Addictions Ever

Some of the biggest tech-addiction are discovered and the way they can harm you is given below:-

Don't get worried,these are just surveys done by few scientists,its not neccesary that they prove to be right for all of us TECH-ADDICTS

So here it is the 4 Biggest Tech Addictions Ever

1. Phantom Vibration Syndrome

Have you ever searched for your mobile phone because you felt it vibrating, only to discover that it hadn’t? This could be what many call “phantom vibration syndrome,” the victims of which feel vibrations even when their devices are in an entirely different room.

The name is based on a medical condition called phantom limb syndrome in which someone who has lost a limb experiences sensory hallucinations that it is still attached to the body and functioning. Similarly, those with phantom vibration syndrome feel their phones as extensions of themselves.

According to a study by Dr.Larry Rosen, 70% of people who heavily use mobile devices experience phantom vibrations. It is common and recent studies are finding different ways to recover from it.

2. Internet Addiction Disorder

Addiction to the Internet can cause the same type of social problems as other established addictions, such as gambling. Internet addiction disorder (IAD) refers to compulsory use of the Internet, such that it interferes with daily life.

However, it is not yet recognized or classified as a disorder but it may be included medically as one among Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) soon.

In the American Journal of Psychiatry, Dr. Jerald J. Block wrote: “IAD can be characterized by excessive use, feelings of withdrawal and negative repercussions, such as arguments and fatigue.” Studies have also proved that severe use of the Internet can also cause high levels of depression.

3. Social Media Addiction

Social media addiction is the latest by-product and a subdivision of Internet addiction. It is the most common tech addictions of now.

Researchers from the University of Chicago surveyed 250 participants, fitting them with devices that logged nearly 8,000 reports on their everyday desires. According to the study, checking social networking sites for updates is a much harder habit to break than alcohol or tobacco.

In Norway, researchers came up with a new test to help you figure out whether you suffer from a social media addiction. Called as Bergen Facebook addiction scale, the test is based on six metrics, for example, using Facebook to forget about problems or trying to cut down on Facebook use without success.

4. Video Game Addiction

Video game addiction began in the last decade and with the introduction of many other gaming gadgets, it is on a rise now. Like Internet addiction and others, it is characterized by the interference of gaming with other aspects of life. Although it is not yet considered an official addiction by the American Medical Association, video game overuse has led to terrible consequences.

In July 2011, a 20-year-old computer programmer in U.K died of deep vein thrombosis from sitting for too long in front of computer. A blood clot started in his calf and eventually caused fatal blockage in his lungs.


How to install IIS without the xp cd

                Installing IIS without the original xp cd

Installin the IIS server without the original xp cd is possible,so u hav to no longer keep asking your friends for their original xp cd or even a fake one,if who u dont have one.
I wanted to install IIS to study asp which was part of my course but unfortunately i didnt have the xp cd with me,so after searching for about 5 to 6hrs,i found a solution to install the IIS server without the cd.
But bcoz of this 5 to 6 hrs of search a lot of time got wasted,so i am postin it on my blog,so that people who dont have xp cd nd still need to install IIS and study asp quite urgently,they can do dat in a few minutes,by followin the method that i hav mentioned below:-

STEP 1:Download the dll files from the link that i hav mentioned below
Their is one file that is missin in it,nd dat is aqueue.dll,but you can get that file from

STEP 2:CREATE a folder in any of your drives and save these dll zip files over their and then extract them,Extract all the files.

Step 3:Once you hav extracted all the files,now the last step is go to control panel and select add or remove windows components.

STEP 4:Their click on the check box named Internet information service(IIS) then click on next.

Step 5:It will ask you to give the path where your dll files are located give that path and click on next nd dats it your done with installin IIS server.

STEP 6:To check wheather its workin or not,just go to your c drive,you will find a folder called as "inetpub" without the quotes,inside it their will be a folder called as "wwwroot",inside this folder create your own folder where you will save all your asp files.

STEP 7:Now inorder to execute your asp files,just go to your web-browser and type http:localhost/your folde name/file name.asp

Just as i did below,my folder name is asp_tue and the file name was form.asp

COURTESY:-AP Dubey tech corner


Canon T4i DSLR

Canon T4i DSLR Officially Unveiled, Features Touchscreen Display

Featuring :-

  •  3.0-inch touchscreen display, 9-point autofocus, 
  • An 18-megapixel CMOS sensor powered by the new DIGIC 5 processor
  •  ISO that can climb up to 12800 (25600 in H mode) for low light shooting
  • Five frames per second burst shooting and an improved continuous autofocus motor


Classes of i.p

                             What is an i.p address???

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g.,computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet protocol for communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing. Its role has been characterized as follows: "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how to get there.Now i know many people didnt actually understand what the above definition actually means,just as i still dont understand why the definition is in such a complicated way.So i have my own version of defining an i.p,so here i go

"An i.p address is an address that identifies where the host(in short u) is located,using the 

network id nd host-id that together form an i.p address."

To get into details of what a host id and network id is,nd how to identify which is host nd which 

is network,let me giv u some examples and then explain them one by one.

A simple IP Address is a lot more than just a number. It tells us the network that the workstation

 is part of and the node ID. If you don't understand what I am talking about, don't let it worry you 

too much because we are going to analyse everything here :)

                                                     IP Address Classes and Structure

When the IEEE committee sat down to sort out the range of numbers that were going to be used by all computers, they came out with 5 different ranges or, as we call them, "Classes" of IP Addresses and when someone applies for IP Addresses they are given a certain range within a specific "Class" depending on the size of their network.
To keep things as simple as possible, let's first have a look at the 5 different Classes:

In the above table, you can see the 5 Classes. Our first Class is A and our last is E. The first 3 classes ( A, B and C) are used to identify workstations, routers, switches and other devices whereas the last 2 Classes ( D and E) are reserved for special use.
As you would already know an IP Address consists of 32 Bits, which means it's 4 bytes long. The first octec (first 8 Bits or first byte) of an IP Address is enough for us to determine the Class to which it belongs. And, depending on the Class to which the IP Address belongs, we can determine which portion of the IP Address is the Network ID and which is the Node ID.
For example, if I told you that the first octec of an IP Address is "168" then, using the above table, you would notice that it falls within the 128-191 range, which makes it a Class B IP Address.

                                                   Understanding the Classes

We are now going to have a closer look at the 5 Classes. If you remember earlier I mentioned that companies are assigned different IP ranges within these classes, depending on the size of their network. For instance, if a company required 1000 IP Addresses it would probably be assigned a range that falls within a Class B network rather than a Class A or C.
The Class A IP Addresses were designed for large networks, Class B for medium size networks and Class C for smaller networks.

Introducing Network ID and Node ID concepts
We need to understand the Network ID and Node ID concept because it will help us to fully understand why Classes exist. Putting it as simply as possible, an IP Address gives us 2 pieces of valuable information:
1) It tells us which network the device is part of (Network ID).
2) It identifies that unique device within the network (Node ID).
Think of the Network ID as the suburb you live in and the Node ID your street in that suburb. You can tell exactly where someone is if you have their suburb and street name. In the same way, the Network ID tells us which network a particular computer belongs to and the Node ID identifies that computer from all the rest that reside in the same network.
The picture below gives you a small example to help you understand the concept:
In the above picture, you can see a small network. We have assigned a Class C IP Range for this network. Remember that Class C IP Addresses are for small networks. Looking now at Host A, you will see that its IP Address is The Network ID portion of this IP Address is in blue, while the Host ID is in orange.
I suppose the next question someone would ask is: How do I figure out which portion of the IP Address is the Network ID and which is the Host ID ?
That's what we are going to answer next.
The Network and Node ID of each Class
The network Class helps us determine how the 4 byte, or 32 Bit, IP Address is divided between network and node portions.
The table below shows you (in binary) how the Network ID and Node ID changes depending on the Class:
The table above might seem confusing at first but it's actually very simple. We will take Class A as an example and analyse it so you can understand exactly what is happening here:
Any Class A network has a total of 7 bits for the Network ID (bit 8 is always set to 0) and 24 bits for the Host ID. Now all we need to do is calculate how much 7 bits is:
2 to the power of 7 = 128 Networks and for the hosts : 2 to the power of 24 = 16,777,216 hosts in each Network, of which 2 cannot be used because one is the Network Address and the other is the Network Broadcast address (see the table towards the end of this page). This is why when we calculate the "valid" hosts in a network we always subtract "2". So if I asked you how many "valid" hosts can you have a on Class A Network, you should answer 16,777,214 and NOT 16,777,216.
Below you can see all this in one picture:

Class B networks have 14 bits for the Network ID (Bits 15, 16 are set and can't be changed) and 16 bits for the Host ID, that means you can have up to '2 to the power of 14' = 16,384 Networks and '2 to the power of 16' = 65,536 Hosts in each Network, of which 2 cannot be used because one is the Network Address and the other is the Network Broadcast address (see the table towards the end of this page). So if I asked you how many "valid" hosts can you have a on Class B Network, you should answer 65,534 and NOT 65,536.
Class C networks have 21 bits for the Network ID (Bits 22, 23, 24 are set and can't be changed)

and 8 bits for the Host ID, that means you can have up to '2 to the power of 21' = 2,097,152 Networks and '2 to the power of 8' = 256 Hosts in each Network, of which 2 cannot be used because one is the Network Address and the other is the Network Broadcast address (see the table towards the end of this page). So if I asked you how many "valid" hosts can you have a on Class C Network, you should answer 254 and NOT 256.

Now, even though we have 3 Classes of IP Addresses that we can use, there are some IP Addresses that have been reserved for special use. This doesn't mean you can't assign them to a workstation but in the case that you did, it would create serious problems within your network. For this reason it's best that you avoid using these IP Addresses.
The following table shows the IP Addresses that you should avoid using:
IP Address
Refers to the default route. This route is to simplify routing tables used by IP.
Reserved for Loopback. The Address is often used to refer to the local host. Using this Address, applications can address a local host as if it were a remote host.

IP Address with all host bits set to "0" (network address) e.g
Refers to the actual network itself. For example, network (Class C) can be used to identify network 192.168.0. This type of notation is often used within routing tables.
IP Address with all node bits set to "1" (Subnet/network broadcast) e.g
IP Addresses with all node bits set to "1" are local network broadcast addresses and mustNOT be used.
Some examples: (Class A) , (Class B), (Class C). 
IP Address with all bits set to "1" (Network Broadcast) e.g
The IP Address with all bits set to "1" is a broadcast address and must NOT be used. These are destined for all nodes on a network, no matter what IP Address they might have.


Memory banking

Two-part Addresses and Memory Segmentation

Memory addressing is the centerpiece of the memory management function of an operating system. Early systems had flat memory models in which each byte was numbered sequentially from zero. The address of any byte in memory was in effect just the ordinal number telling "which" byte it was, e.g., the seven hundred twenty-third or the forty-three thousand two hundred ninth. Programmers referred to each byte by its sequence number in their programs. These numbers are called "absolute" or "physical" addresses. Computers later became more complicated (in order to get more powerful). One change was that within programs, programmers could refer to memory locations (particular bytes) by other numbering systems than the physical one, and the operating systems and/or CPUs would automatically translate from one to the other.
Vintage 1980 microcomputers used physical addressing, and confined themselves to using 4-digit hexa numbers as addresses. The highest you can count with a 4-digit hexadecimal number is FFFF in hex, equivalent to 65535 in decimal. So no more than 65536 bytes or 64K of memory could be used. Even if you could have installed more, the computer could not have used it for lack of ability to refer to it.

The IBM designers wanted to allow for 1MB of memory, or 16 times as much as the previous 64K limit. But because they had all registers only 16 bit that is 2 bytes they did not wish to use numbers wider than 16 bits in their addressing system. So a system of compound addresses. Each compound address contained 2 16-bit numbers. These were the first "segmented addresses" in microcomputers and the second one called as the offset address.

To understand this in a better way let me lead with an example in decimal. Forget hexadecimal, and computers, for a moment. In decimal we'll do the same thing that the 1981 PC architects did. Suppose till now we have been content to confine ourselves to counting using 2-digit numbers. Of course, that gave us the scope to count within the range from zero to ninety-nine. That has always been adequate. Ninety-nine is enough. It really has never occurred to us to count any higher.
Now however, an ambitious engineer wants to do just that. He knows he can do it if he allows a third digit. That gets us beyond the 99 barrier alright, not only to 100 but all the way up to the unimaginably huge number 999. For design reasons though, the engineer chooses to avoid using 3-digit numbers. Instead he opts to invent a system of compound numbers, consisting of 2 ordinary 2-digit number and a special way of interpreting them.
On the number line he will mark all numbers that are multiples of 10, starting with 0. Then he will use his first 2-digit number to identify a particular "deci-mark" on the number line. If his 2-digit number is 00 he's talking about the mark at 0. If it's 01, the mark at 10. If it's 02, the mark at 20,..., if it's 09, the mark at 90. If it's 10, the one at 100. If it's 11, the one at 110. If it's 25, he means the mark at 250. Since his 2-digit numbers go up to 99 before they run out of gas, he now has a technique of referring, as the limit of his reach, to the point at 990 on the number line. What he has sacrificed is the ability to refer to any of the "in-between" numbers, like 11 or 19 or 255. He has diluted his 2-digit number so it goes farther. He gained scope at the expense of precision. That's the purpose of the second 2-digit number: to supply restored precision.
Say he wants to refer to the number 763. He could select, as his first 2-digit number, 76. Because of the special, new "times ten" method of interpretation, we know this refers to the number 760. So he constructs a second 2-digit number to get him the rest of the way from 760 to 763. And that number is of course 3, which we'll write 03 to make it 2 digits. His notation system calls for him to write:
when he wishes to talk about 763. He now has a way to talk about it, but has successfully avoided using 3-digit numbers. Note he could land on 763 several other ways. For example, by starting at 750 instead of 760, then advancing 13 instead of 3. Just as the 43 yard line on the gridiron is equivalently a 3 yard gain from the 40, a 13 yard gain from the 30, or a 23 yard gain from the 10. All, same thing.  So our engineer could write any of the following to refer to 763:

That's it. He can't let his first number go any lower than 67, because that would leave him short of 763 by more than 99, and the second number can only raise him 99 beyond his first one. You can make up the following rule for converting one of these compound addresses into a non-compound (i.e., regular 3-digit) one: to find the 3-digit linear address, take the left number of the compound address, shift it left one place (i.e., multiply it by 10), then add the right number.

The PC architects did pretty much the same thing. Instead of starting with 2-digit decimal numbers that provide a range of up-to-99, they started with 4-digit hex nos.providing a range of up-to-65536. But they compounded their numbers just the same way. And they ended up with an expanded reach. Their new reach, instead of extending up to 999 (just about a thousand), extended up to 1048575 ( just about a megabyte). But the system was the same. Consider an address 8F11:312A. The interpretation of this compound address and resulting absolute address is:

Note the above arithmetic is hexadecimal arithmetic, not decimal arithmetic. And note the result, 9223A, is much bigger than is FFFF, the previous counting ceiling. The two numbers have names. The left one is the segment address, and the right one is the offset address. Using this system to refer to memory locations is called memory segmentation. It's a way of making two 4-digit (hexadecimal) numbers do the work of one 5-digit number.
This was the new style of addressing by IBM's 1981 PC architects. Meanwhile, Intel's CPU designers made their own contribution. They came out with a chip (the 8086) that featured some new registers called segment registers. Programmers would work with the two-part addresses by doing two things within their programs. When they wanted to use a certain address, they would first take the segment address half of it and write it into the segment register. Thereafter, they would forget about the segment and write only the offset addresses within their code. They could get away with leaving out an explicit segment in all their address references due to the way the CPU worked. It was designed to blend (add) with the programmer's offset addresses whatever number was sitting in the segment register. And to do it every time there was an address reference, automatically. The segment address wasn't really omitted from the code, just implicit.
When you as a programmer put a number in a segment register you have in effect defined something called a "segment." This is a section of memory 64K bytes long. If the segment address is, for example, 2915, then the addresses in this segment start at 2915:0000 and go up to 2915:FFFF, which is the highest address in this particular segment. This range expressed in terms of absolute or physical addresses is from 29150 through 3914F. The relationship between a segment and the register which defines it is shown below.

The addresses appearing in program code are the offset addresses. The programmer writes FFFB. But when the program runs, it is 3914B that is affected.