The Biggest Tech Addictions Ever
Some of the biggest tech-addiction are discovered and the way they can harm you is given below:-
Don't get worried,these are just surveys done by few scientists,its not neccesary that they prove to be right for all of us TECH-ADDICTS
So here it is the 4 Biggest Tech Addictions Ever

1. Phantom Vibration Syndrome
Have you ever searched for your mobile phone because you felt it vibrating, only to discover that it hadn’t? This could be what many call “phantom vibration syndrome,” the victims of which feel vibrations even when their devices are in an entirely different room.
The name is based on a medical condition called phantom limb syndrome in which someone who has lost a limb experiences sensory hallucinations that it is still attached to the body and functioning. Similarly, those with phantom vibration syndrome feel their phones as extensions of themselves.
According to a study by Dr.Larry Rosen, 70% of people who heavily use mobile devices experience phantom vibrations. It is common and recent studies are finding different ways to recover from it.

2. Internet Addiction Disorder
Addiction to the Internet can cause the same type of social problems as other established addictions, such as gambling. Internet addiction disorder (IAD) refers to compulsory use of the Internet, such that it interferes with daily life.
However, it is not yet recognized or classified as a disorder but it may be included medically as one among Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) soon.
In the American Journal of Psychiatry, Dr. Jerald J. Block wrote: “IAD can be characterized by excessive use, feelings of withdrawal and negative repercussions, such as arguments and fatigue.” Studies have also proved that severe use of the Internet can also cause high levels of depression.
3. Social Media Addiction
Social media addiction is the latest by-product and a subdivision of Internet addiction. It is the most common tech addictions of now.
Researchers from the University of Chicago surveyed 250 participants, fitting them with devices that logged nearly 8,000 reports on their everyday desires. According to the study, checking social networking sites for updates is a much harder habit to break than alcohol or tobacco.
In Norway, researchers came up with a new test to help you figure out whether you suffer from a social media addiction. Called as Bergen Facebook addiction scale, the test is based on six metrics, for example, using Facebook to forget about problems or trying to cut down on Facebook use without success.
4. Video Game Addiction
Video game addiction began in the last decade and with the introduction of many other gaming gadgets, it is on a rise now. Like Internet addiction and others, it is characterized by the interference of gaming with other aspects of life. Although it is not yet considered an official addiction by the American Medical Association, video game overuse has led to terrible consequences.
In July 2011, a 20-year-old computer programmer in U.K died of deep vein thrombosis from sitting for too long in front of computer. A blood clot started in his calf and eventually caused fatal blockage in his lungs.
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